Jim's Self Storage units in Williamstown
spring cleaning

Keep It Or Ditch It? 5 Spring Cleaning Questions To Declutter Your Home

spring cleaning

Are you getting ready for a traditional spring cleaning blitz? Now is the perfect time to declutter! Figuring out what to keep, what to toss, and what to put into self storage is tough whether you’re spring cleaning or just clearing out the garage.

How do you decide what to keep and what to get rid of? Here are a few questions from Storage Altona to help you make the tough calls.



Years ago when you bought that popcorn popper, you had visions of movie nights with your friends and family all around the living room. Since then, how many times has it actually come out of the cabinet?

A common rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used something for a year, you probably won’t miss it. Ask yourself if the space it takes up wouldn’t be better used some other way, even if just as breathing room. If so, it may be time to place it in Storage Altona, or to throw it out.



We all keep things around for reasons even we ourselves cannot comprehend. Maybe it was a gift from Aunt Sadie, maybe it was trendy three years ago. It could be something all your friends had but never quite caught on with you.

It may seem like an obvious question, but when in doubt about throwing it, out ask yourself – do I even like this? If not, chuck it or store it in Storage Altona while you decide what to do with it.



Let’s go back for a moment to the example of the popcorn popper. That is definitely a single-purpose item with a job that can be done quite well by other multi-purpose items. A pan on the stovetop or even a microwave can make popcorn just fine while also being generally necessary and used for other things.



When you run across an item during your spring cleaning and find yourself saying, “oh yeah, that’d be fine if I just…” then the end of that sentence should be “throw it out.”

If you’ve kept a non-functioning item around for a prolonged period of time without repairing it, what are the chances that you’ll ever get around to it? Is it worth the time, energy, and expense of fixing it? If so, great. If not, off to the bin.



Obviously the real value of things doesn’t always boil down to their intrinsic financial worth. Sentimental value can be just as important, and some things you simply would never want to let go of. You have to look at some things and ask just HOW important they are to you.

If there can be a financial criteria for keeping certain items, there should also be sentimental criteria. A box of sentimental keepsakes can quickly turn into a hoard of 200 concert t-shirts. What are they really worth to you?

There’s nothing wrong with keeping things, for whatever reason, but if you’ve got an excuse to purge some of the clutter, now is a great time. Hopefully these questions will help you decide what can stay, and what has to go and if you need more space contact us for self storage in Melbourne. What sort of criteria do you use when going through your stuff? Let us know!


Image credit: Vintage postcard via Blue Mountains Library, Flickr CC

Brilliant Home Renovation Ideas to Increase Your Home Value

Brilliant Home Renovation Ideas to Increase Your Home Value

Brilliant Home Renovation Ideas to Increase Your Home Value

Do you desire to do your home a renovation this year? So, wondering exquisite renovation ideas to put in place to improve the value of your home? Well, renovating a home is much easier than buying a new one. It’s a unique project that calls for keenness and planning to go with the most updated remodelling techniques. Yeah, it’s an ideal way of improving your family’s quality of living. You don’t have to worry about the security of your properties while renovating. Our Williamstown Self Storage facility has covered all that for you. Some home transformation ideas to escalate your home value:

1. Enhance The Curb Appeal With Upgraded Landscape

How you put your home curb appeal creates the first impression from the exterior. The paint you renovate the walls with, lawn space, and driveway should be well maintained. You can use pop deodorant paint matching with your home decor to make them look elegant and classy. If you have a deck outside, you can add new outdoor furniture matching with the wall paint. Add annual flowers with perennial foliage to create a colourful garden outside.

2. Remodelling The Kitchen

Is your kitchen looking fancy with filled-up features and appliances? Well, if you are tired of it, consider renovating it properly to add home value. However, it would help if you went with updated appliances to add the required appeal. If you have old appliances it’s time to replace them with energy-friendly. If you are looking to upgrade your sink or install a dishwasher don’t forget to enlist the help of a top rated local plumber.

3. Increase Lighting And Space Of Your House

No one enjoys living in a dark and cramped room. Therefore, if you want your house to look stylish, consider adding the flow of natural light while renovating. You can knock down some walls to create more space. Use elevated ceilings and skylights to add more light in the house. For more insights, into the best choices of lighting, you can inquire with renovation professionals.

4. Modify Your House With Energy Efficient Insulation

Updating, your home with energy-saving insulation is appealing. Yeah, homes with poor insulation cost more to live and maintain. While renovating, update the rooms with temperate detecting devices to alert you on temperature differences. However, insulation are most appropriate around doors, electrical sockets, and basements.

5. Consider Basic House Updates

Most people tend to forget about essential updates while renovating their homes. However, they are crucial aspects that add the most value to homes. For instance, removing moulds around the house, leaking roofs, damaged furniture, and keeping interior paint afresh. If you don’t have space to store your furniture while renovating, seek support from self storage near Altona or wherever you are located.

There is a myriad of different home renovation ideas that can be applied to improve home value besides the above-mentioned ones. If the above ideas are adequately applied, it’s a valid guarantee of a tip-top home shape. Provided they are planned accordingly, without overspending, you can make your home a centre of attraction. So, if you plan on a renovation, concentrate on small projects to make your home attractive.

International destination for White Christmas

Top International Destinations for a White Christmas

Most travel enthusiasts say that Christmas in July is just as exciting as the real Christmas and it is for that reason that many destinations present unique deals. However, if you are keen on White Christmas with snow and even reindeer, then early planning is critical. If you are ready to experience the magic that winter has to bring, then this article From Jim’s Self Storage near Kingsville will provide you with the best destinations that you should check out. The safety of your belonging and how to store them during this cold holiday experience is also very important.

New York City, USA

There is uniqueness when it comes to experiencing the holiday season in New York and one of them is the famous ice skating. While travelling to this destination, you will find hotels that provide you with suites for purposes of self-storage and at the same time focus on having fun while in the city. The Christmas window display is also unique scenery and shopping on 5th Avenue during winter is something you should not miss. The city fully embraces Christmas activities and you will find it even more enjoyable.

Lapland, Finland

The perfect place for you and your family to be able to experience white Christmas away from the busy work and schedule of the year. The endless snowfalls that characterize this region and the reindeer experience are a few of the things you should not miss at any given point. There are many key attractions that you will find in this area as a result of rich investment both in service and regeneration of projects that are specifically meant to enhance the quality of life in most holiday sites in Lapland. If you are into skiing or snowboarding, be sure to take your gear out of your seasonal self storage unit and bring it along.

Bruges, Belgium

During December holidays, this ancient city truly changes and depicts its real name. Snow covers most of the city items and at the same time influences the manner in which new lifestyle patterns are adopted along the way. It is a destination that you will find interesting while at the same time keeping the social class that meets your holiday needs.

Sapporo, Hokkaido

Although traditionally a Buddhist country, Christmas is very big in Japan, especially in Sapporo on Japan’s most northern Island; Hokkaido. Every year Sapparo boasts German themed Christmas markets which is a must-see. The European markets are infused with Japanese culture creating a unique Christmas setting unlike anywhere else in the world. Another must-see is the annual Christmas light displays which light up the city. Remember to bring your scarf and warm jackets out of Self as Sapporo can get down to -10 degrees Celcius.

Planning an extended holiday getaway can be as exciting as it is lucrative if you consider renting out your home. Utilizing Jim’s Self Storage for your personal storage and excess belongings ensures that your property remains clutter-free and appealing to renters, enhancing both security and profitability. By carefully storing valuable items and personal effects, you not only safeguard your possessions but also maximize rental space, making your home more attractive to potential tenants and ensuring peace of mind while you enjoy your white Christmas adventure.


How Self Storage can help your Autistic or Sensory Processing Disorder Child

Imagine if you are listening to loud heavy metal music, trying to solve a maths equation whilst also having disco lights flashing around. You would find that this is very overwhelming and difficult to stay calm and concentrate. For some children, the heavy metal music is the sound of the fridge running, the math equation is your simple instruction to put their shoes on, and the flashing disco lights is the sun flickering in through the curtains.

For most of us, we don’t notice all this extra “noise” that goes on inside the family home. Simple sounds that are white noise for us, like the sound of the fridge running, can be extremely distracting for someone with Autism or with Sensory Processing Disorder.

When there is too much to try to take in, the brain can’t focus, sometimes causing behavioural issues in children. The overwhelming stimulation could cause your child to have a meltdown, throwing themselves on the floor, crying uncontrollably and making them extremely hard to settle. Sometimes, children can try to act in ways to self-calm, to avoid a meltdown. This may include things such as rocking back and forth or hand flapping.

I was having trouble getting my autistic son to sleep at night. It wasn’t until I stepped back and had a look at his bedroom from a different point of view, that I realised how overstimulating his bedroom was. The pretty animal pictures all over the wall paired with the matching rug, the large wardrobe with beautiful teddies lined up along the top, a set of drawers with pictures and figurines on display, the large dark brown curtains that draped all the way to the floor and the sunlight that trickled in each evening and early in the morning.

For most of us, this would not be an issue. I decided to redesign the bedroom making it as calm as possible. I removed all the animal stickers off the walls so the walls were plain. Removed all the teddies, photos and figurines and boxes them all up. Every night I would use foil to cover the window, taping it in sections to avoid any flapping or noise from the foil moving.

This made a huge difference to his sleeping. The room was now a calmer environment for him and not so overwhelming. Since my son was diagnosed with Autism, I have always wanted to make things as “normal” as possible for him. I wanted him to be able to live in our world, a world that would not conform to his needs. So every couple of months I would slowly start adding some things back into his bedroom.

I am happy to say that he is now able to sleep in a bedroom with posters on the wall, teddies lined up along his wardrobe, and pictures and figurines on top of his drawers. We have also been able to remove the foil from the window. It’s the little achievements that sometimes make the biggest difference.

This article was written by Jess, an employee at Jim’s Self Storage in Williamstown whose son has a Sensory Processing Disorder.

Popular jobs for Extra Cash

Popular Jobs For Some Extra Cash (5 Side Hustles)

Popular jobs for Extra Cash

If you are looking for some extra or part-time work to gather up some extra cash, then this article is for you. Here are a few easy and satisfying job ideas from Williamstown’s Self Storage gurus that require no degree or formal education background.

Caring For Children

Children need looking after at all times. Many people are looking for help rearing their kids. You can rent out your house for extra revenue and keep your things in self storage and provide it for them. An au pair is someone who agrees to watch over a baby or toddler for a parent. In turn, the parent provides them with a roof over their heads, all meals and a stipend they can spend during their spare time. This is a good choice for those who love babies and small children and want to be around them.


Farming is another ideal choice for any Aussie in need of those extra funds. Farmhands are in great demand in many parts of the world. If you live in a rural part of Australia and you’d like to travel, you can bring those farm skills with you. Look for places that offer a chance to do a little bit of work in turn for a roof and food. You can also offer yourself as a freelancer who works a few hours a week harvesting crops or doing many other kinds of farm work in a fertile area.

Social Media Management

Managing social media accounts is a good way to earn money when you’re not home. You can show companies how a bit of skilled management online can generate fantastic results. Many companies are looking for people who understand how to create a terrific website. They’re also looking for people who understand the customer base in Australia and how people here perceive the world. You can present yourself as an intermediary between the two cultures to business owners who are looking to expand into this part of the world. You’ll earn a living and they’ll get the inside track on this market.

Market Stalls

Whether you’re a market stall holder needing a secure spot for your inventory, a craftsman with bulky tools, or a freelancer with an overflow of documents, storage units provide an affordable and secure way to keep your assets safe. Not only does this business storage solution free up space for home offices, but it also helps maintain a professional boundary between your personal and business lives, making it easier to manage and scale your operations.

Language Tutor

Foreign language teachers are in demand and expected to remain that way going forward. Native English speakers can offer lessons to private individuals or choose to work with a school that provides such lessons. If you know another language, you’ll be in even more demand. People are looking to learn languages such as Chinese and French in order to improve their own job prospects. Those with the skills employers need will find they have many job offers in any country they find congenial. Just make sure you can demonstrate excellent fluency and you’ll find it really easy.

Whether you’re exploring side gigs for extra cash or diving deep into a part-time business, effective management of resources, including space, is crucial. By utilising business storage solutions like those offered at Jim’s Self Storage, you can streamline your operations, ensure security for your materials, and keep personal and professional spaces distinct. This strategic approach not only maximizes your efficiency but also opens up new opportunities for growth and profitability in your endeavours.


Unique and Creative Sports To Try

Sports offer a wonderful chance to see human ability. Many people love the chance to participate in lots of different sports. If you are one of those people who’s always up for a new challenge, here are a few reasons to get your sports gear out of Self Storage Altona and have a good time. These are sports that let you bring out the creativity and explore a new way to move. Bring your friends along and try rock climbing or learn to fence or just jump rope.


Climb Those Rocks

Rock climbing is a great way to make friends and use your balance skills. You’ll need a few bits of equipment along the way. Take your shoes from Self Storage Altona and find a nearby place to explore. This is a good sport to make use of a guide. A guide can help you figure out how to make sure you are adhering to all necessary safety standards. Guides can also suggest local rocks that offer the kind of challenge ideal for a beginner. If the indoors is more your style, you’ll find lots of clubs offer rock climbing on a set series of man-made rocks.


Fun Fencing

The ancient art of fencing can be made new again. Fencing is a great sport that both men and women can enjoy at the same time. This is one that requires a great deal of concentration, making it ideal for those who like a sport that has a bit of thought to it. If you’ve never done this before, you don’t need much to learn the basics from a qualified and enthusiastic instructor. They’ll walk through varied positions and make sure you’re ready to find a partner and start fencing today.


Go Swing Dancing

Dancing offers a marvellous way to exercise the body and the brain. You can take dancing lessons in a group or one on one. One of the most popular forms of dancing today is swing dancing. Swing dancing is about fast movements that are designed for those who like their exercise on the quick side. You and your potential partner can pull your dancing costume out of Self Storage Altona. Or you can get creative and make a few costumes of your own for the local dance floor. In any case, this is one activity that you can practice at your leisure and learn to master over time.


Synchronized Swimming

Water is the perfect medium for those who may have problems moving on land. The buoyancy of the water offers the perfect base from which to explore many types of new movements without worrying about the possibility of injury. Synchronized swimming is an ideal sport for those who love ballet and have never done any kind of dancing. Movements are designed to take full advantage of the world underneath the surface and the world above it. This is one sport you can do on your own or you can join a team.



How Self Storage Helps With New Babies

People have all sorts of incentives to declutter their places of residence. They may want to get rid of clutter during renovation projects. They may want to eliminate clutter before moving to brand new locations. They often want to say goodbye to clutter before going through major life adjustments. If you’re expecting a bundle of joy, then it may be the ideal opportunity for you to take charge of clutter with the help of Jim’s Self Storage in Williamstown. It can be hard to raise a newborn in an environment that’s cluttered and disorganised in any manner. Newborns deserve to be in settings that are fresh and tidy. Their parents deserve to be in those kinds of settings as well.

Preparing Your Home for Baby’s Arrival with Self Storage

How exactly can excited parents get ready for their little ones to enter the world? They can do so by transporting things that they don’t use. If you have possessions or furniture pieces that are simply taking up precious space in your home, then you should find out about affordable pricing on self-storage units. Self storage can be suitable for people who are interested in managing their storage requirements prior to their baby’s arrival.

Decluttering Before the Big Day: A Storage Solution for Parents-to-Be

If you’re going to be a parent, then it may be time for you to explore the concept of self storage. You can do so by reaching out to our staff members. These professionals can talk to you about unit size choices. If you have a rather compact home, you may want to rent units that are pretty big. If you don’t need as much space, then you may want to think about units that are a little smaller. Parents can place all kinds of things inside of their self storage units as a great way to declutter a home and make space for baby.

Maximizing Home Space: Safe Storage Options for Baby Gear

If you have old dresses or suits that are no longer vital in your daily existence, storing clothes long term with self storage may be terrific. If you have old recreational activity equipment devices that you barely ever get the chance to employ, then self storage Newport may be terrific for you, too. Why exactly is it often so important to clear out items prior to the birth of a baby? Rearing a newborn isn’t at all simple. It calls for a major time commitment. It also calls for the assistance of all sorts of supplies and products in general. If you want to be able to secure room for all of the things that are required for bringing your baby up properly, then Self Storage Newport can aid you considerably. You need to have sufficient room for a crib for your cutie. You need to have sufficient room for toys and clothing items of all varieties as well.

Why New Parents Should Consider Self Storage

Don’t make any decisions that relate to self storage before speaking thoroughly with staff members. Ask questions that involve climate controls, security methods and more. You don’t want to give your money to a self storage facility that doesn’t offer exactly what you need. Jims Self Storage is a centre that has many satisfied customers across the western suburbs and a storage unit size to suit anyone.


Best Day Trips From Melbourne

Melbourne is a vibrant city and a hub of culture and excitement. Melbourne is also a fantastic starting point from a number of day trips. If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to spend your weekend, hopping in the car and going for an explore is always a fantastic option. Whether you’re looking to discover coastal beauty, lush national parks, or exciting urban escapes, there’s a day trip from Melbourne to satisfy every interest. Self storage Newport can help take care of any valuable items you may need kept safe while you’re out on your adventure. 

Great Ocean Road

The Great Ocean Road begins a 90 minute trip from Melbourne’s city centre and spans 400km from Torquay to Nelson on the South Australian Border. A day trip from Melbourne will begin with a drive to Port Campbell and will take around 2.5-3 hrs, from there you can easily access The London Bridge, The Grotto, and Bay of Islands Coastal Park from the west and from the east The Blowhole, Lord Ard Gorge, Tom and Eva Lookout, the Razorback, and the Twelve Apostles. 

Phillip Island

Only a 90 minute drive from Melbourne city, Phillip Island is Victoria’s own wildlife island. Visit the penguin parade, The Nobbies, Ecoboat Aventures, Koala Conservation, and Churchill Island. By far the most famous Phillip Island experience is the Penguin Parade – enjoy the beautiful sunset while wild penguins make their way up the beach to rest.

Mount Buller Ski Resort

For winter sports enthusiasts, a visit to Mount Buller is a must. Located just a three-hour drive from the city, this premier ski destination offers slopes suitable for both beginners and seasoned skiers, along with breathtaking views and a variety of après-ski activities.

The Mornington Peninsula

The Morning Peninsula is a 90 minute drive from Melbourne and offers visitors a beautiful seaside escape from the city. Take a stroll through the Mornington Farmers Market and find fresh, seasonal produce, juices, fruit, and vegetables. Take a trip to the beach and spend a lazy day by the seaside – popular beaches include Seaford, Frankston, and Sorrento. If you’re not up for a dip, take in the rugged coastline and safely stroll along the water and enjoy the view. 

The Grampians National Park

The Grampians National Park is a nature reserve in Victoria, known for its mountains, wildlife, and wildflowers – it will dazzle you. If you’re an adventure seeker, head out on walking tracks to explore sparkling waterfalls, wildlife, and awe-inspiring lookouts. If culture is what you’re into you’ll be able to explore ancient rock art sites and learn about Indigenous history. 


Lorne is a town situated on the Great Ocean Road and is a popular holiday destination for Melburnians. Lorne has lots to offer with beach, bush and cultural attractions to suit all tastes. Get back to nature and enjoy the beautiful great outdoors – with 10 waterfalls within 10km and over 60km of marked tracks you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Seasonal Self Storage & Day Trips

Seasonal self storage provides an ideal solution for managing your gear throughout the year. As you switch from summer to winter activities, securely store your surfboards, camping equipment, or holiday decorations, making room for skis, snowboards, and winter wear. With Jim’s Self Storage, you can rest assured that your items are safe and accessible, ready for your next seasonal adventure.

Regardless of where and what you decide to do on your road trip from Melbourne, you’ll get to experience a beautiful part of the Australian landscape. Keep your belongings safe and secure in Williamstown self storage with us while you’re on your adventure.


Downsizing For Your Retirement Lifestyle

Retirement can be an exciting new phase in any existence. People often use retirement as the chance to tackle everything they dream about. It’s a big chance to travel all around the planet. It’s a big chance to spend time around people you care about the most as well. If you’re looking to get ready to go into retirement mode, there are all sorts of strategies that can aid you substantially.

What are your retirement goals? Do you plan on staying in your current home, or downsizing? Are you facing health challenges that could make living in your larger home more difficult, or would you simply like to see more of the world once you’re done working? No matter what your retirement plans look like, downsizing can help free up your time and space.

Downsizing and Retirement

People who are going to be retiring soon often make the decision to downsize. This is understandable, too. If you’re going to be retiring soon, then you may have children who are now adults and who no longer live with you. That may make the need for a big residence pretty pointless. Downsizing can make home maintenance tasks a lot simpler for people. It can make lifestyles a lot more budget-friendly as well. Covering all of the expenses that are associated with huge homes can often be overwhelming. If you want to downsize, then you can relocate to a home that’s nowhere near as big. Getting self storage units may make it a lot more realistic for you to be able to move to a much more compact place. If you get self storage, then you can look into homes that have fewer rooms. You can look into homes that have less space in general. People who are going to be retiring and who do not live with their kids anymore often have zero need for additional bedrooms.

A Practice Run at Downsizing

If you’re looking to downsize but don’t know where to start, consider setting up a storage unit in Williamstown. Into this, load your seasonal belongings or anything that may be cluttering up your home. This can be anything from summer barbecue supplies to your Christmas decorations. How much space could you free up?

Reduce Your Home Footprint

If you want to downsize to a smaller home, an apartment or even a mobile home, practice by emptying one bedroom completely into your self storage unit. Use this empty room to store things you know you’ll need every day. All seasonal clothes can go in the closet and your working desk if you need a home office on a daily basis. You can even reduce the amount of cooking supplies to visualise working in a smaller kitchen. See what efficiencies you can come up with in a smaller space.

Freedom of Small Living

Smaller living spaces are cheaper to heat and cool. They’re also much less work to clean and maintain. How much of your monthly budget is spent caring for and maintaining rooms that you don’t use? Use your self storage unit to reduce the amount of personal possessions you’re currently working around to see what downsizing can feel like.

Live Comfortably In A Single Storey

Many of us lose the ability to safely and comfortably climb stairs as we age. However, one bad fall while doing the laundry or vacuuming can be severe. If you’re living in multi-storey house, your home may quickly become a health hazard if you have an accident. Downsizing to a safer home is made easier with personal storage.

Sell Your Home Faster

Interested in selling your home? Self storage can make it easier to put your home on the market and stage a home for sale. Pack away your personal belongings and do your best to reduce clutter in your current home. You want potential buyers to see your home as a space they could make their own and this will be easier if your personal stamp is temporarily removed. Of course, you’ll need your personal belongings back when you move into your new space, and you can easily retrieve your items with our storage facility.

Staying updated on seemingly endless belongings can be an exercise in sheer frustration for anyone. Retirement is something that’s often all about taking it slowly. If you want to be able to relax after retiring, then you should think about downsizing. That’s also a sign that you should think about getting self storage. Self storage can make many of your possessions “out of sight and out of mind.” That’s how it can empower you to be a lot more tranquil. It can often be taxing to have to monitor an abundance of items all at the same time. If you want to make your life neat and more organised, then self storage can be a true lifesaver for you. Jim’s Self Storage has been accommodating people who are in the process of retiring for a long while now, retiree’s in Altona, Altona North, Yarraville, Spotswood, Brooklyn and across the western suburbs have taken advantage of our services. Preparing for retirement can be an amazing journey for people who are committed and serious. If you want your retirement plan to go well, you should consider getting self-storage.


Turn Your Van Into a Mobile Home

If you experience wanderlust and are never quite satisfied staying in one place for very long, then you’re a nomad. You constantly seek new adventures elsewhere. The traditional lifestyle of owning a home or renting an apartment doesn’t quite mix well with nomads. How is someone with wanderlust supposed to satiate their need to travel without emptying their pockets on hotel expenditures? The solution is to make their mode of travel into their new home. A van can be transformed into a mobile home far easier than you might imagine. This article from Jim’s Self Storage in Williamstown, Melbourne will give a brief overview of how to do just that.


Once you’ve bought a van, you should find a storage facility that can house all the big items that you own or wish to hold onto even as you travel. In Melbourne, Jim’s is a great choice for that affordable storage unit rental. With the van in your possession, you need to first clear it out. Remove the old furniture and place it in your storage unit. You can either keep the front seats or get new ones. Next, you need to clean the inside of the van. Simple vacuuming and scrubbing should do the job. If the van has rust, then you should grind it off. Then do a final sweeping and cleaning to prepare for painting.

You’ll want to begin with anti-rust spray on everything metal. Then spray paint the entire interior of the van with glossy white paint.


This next step is extremely important. Glue Reflectix along the walls of the van. Then glue it to the ceiling. Make sure it is cut to fit both walls and the ceiling perfectly. Next, you should cut rigid foam to fit against the ceiling and any pop-up windows that the van possesses. All other cracks should be sprayed with insulation foam.

Next, you’ll need to attach Reflectix and the rigid panelling to the floor. You should make a template of the floor with some paper to make sure the shape is correct. If your van has windows, then you should use fibreglass insulation on the bottom half of the walls. Without windows, you need to apply fibreglass insulation to the entire wall.


Using the template from before, first cut plywood to act as your subfloor. You should attach the subfloor with screws. These screw holes should then be caulked and sealed. The seams need to be caulked as well. Eventually, you should install the vinyl flooring but only after you have finished installing the rest of the walling and the ceiling.


To optimise the storage in your mobile home, consider multi-functional furniture that doubles as storage space. A popular choice is a bed frame with built-in drawers, which offers ample space to store clothing and other essentials while saving floor space. Another ingenious solution is to use hanging organisers on doors or walls for items like shoes, utensils, or small personal items. These strategies not only maximize your living area but also help keep your mobile home organized and clutter-free, making your travels more comfortable and enjoyable.

The Details

When it comes to the items like your ceiling, then you need to choose what materials you like to use. You may like panelled wood for the ceiling. You should also include a fan to the top. Your kitchen can be a simple camping stove that rests inside of a closeable dining table. The team at Jim’s Self Storage are only a call away for all your storage needs as well as boxes for moving. So don’t hesitate to reach out and good luck on your mobile home adventures!